La Webcup en Une de journal aux Seychelles

Publié le 2 juin 2014 | il y a 10 ans

“24 heures pour créer un site internet”, c’est le titre qui s’affiche en Une du quotidien “Today in Seychelles” de ce lundi. A quelques jours de la Webcup, les Seychelles communiquent fièrement sur leur 1ère participation à l’évènement Webcup.

L’article est en anglais, on y lit notamment :

“Nous encourageons tous les amateurs du web à se présenter et faire de cet évènement un succès, car en dehors du fait de gagner des prix, l’équipe gagnante ira représenter les Seychelles lors de la grande finale régionale en Octobre de cette année, et ce n’est pas tous les jours que l’on a l’occasion de représenter son pays dans une compétition internationale”, cite Gilbert Lebon, directeur général de VCS, organisateur de l’évènement aux Seychelles.

Mr Lebon a également exprimé sa gratitude envers les sponsors qui ont répondu présent pour soutenir l’évènement. “Nous sommes reconnaissants à notre sponsor principal, Cable & Wireless Seychelles et également Maven, Switch et CARE (Campagne pour la sensibilisation et l’éducation résilience contre les toxicomanies) pour leur précieuse contribution, car sans leur soutien, l’événement n’aurait pas été possible “, at-il dit.


Pour les anglophones, retrouvez l’intégralité de l’article ci-dessous.


24 hours to create a website

ICT enthusiasts will get the chance to create the best Seychellois webpage in a competition that will take place simultaneously in six Indian Ocean islands.

ICT enthusiasts will get the chance to create the best Seychellois webpage in a competition that will take place simultaneously in six Indian Ocean islands.

Information Technology (IT) professionals they say, have disrupted sleeping patterns and can sometimes work 24 hours on end. This is meant to be the nature of the job.

Now the time has come for aspiring computers specialists to know if they are made of the right stuff. Seychellois web enthusiasts will have the opportunity to showcase their talents in the first-ever Webcup competition to be held in Seychelles, the organizer of the event, VCS (Pty) has said in a press release.

From noon on Saturday 7 June until the same time the next day, participants working as individuals or in teams of not more than four persons – amateurs, students and professionals are welcome- must within 24 hours non-stop develop a website on a topic that will be kept secret until the start of the competition. The event will take place at the CARE house at Freedom Square.

This competition will run simultaneously in Mauritius, Reunion, Mayotte, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles. The Webcup was first introduced in 2010 in Reunion Island and last year Mauritius, Mayotte and Madagascar joined the competition. This year, Seychelles and Comoros are joining the Indian Ocean group and VCS, a leading ICT company in Seychelles, has been chosen to organize this first simultaneous regional round.

The aim of the Webcup, the company says, is to promote Information Communication Technology around a fun and educational event.

“We urge all web enthusiasts to come forward and make this event a success, because apart from winning some exciting prizes, the winning team will get to represent Seychelles in the Grand Regional Final in October and it’s not every day that one has the opportunity to represent his or her country in an international competition,” Gilbert Lebon, managing director of VCS said.

Mr. Lebon also expressed his appreciation towards the sponsors that have come forward at short notice to support the event. “We are thankful to our main sponsor, Cable & Wireless Seychelles and also Maven, Switch and CARE (Campaign for Awareness Resilience & Education against Substance Abuse) for their valuable contribution because without their support, the event would not have been possible”, he said.

Source : Today in Seychelles, édition du 2 juin 2014

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